#vox domini
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been a while! anyway.
Vox Domini, by Bruce Holland Rogers.
I didn't find any easy sources, but it's in the Full Spectrum 4 anthology.
Anyhow. As the title ('the voice of God') indicates, this one is built around faith, and faiths - some more benevolent than others. It's also about surveillance and, at the heart of it, the idea of confession. And that little inner voice, eponymously.
It's a little heavyhanded. I don't especially recommend it, but it was an experience. I feel it would do well as a short film, too.
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Hey! Hey vox???- where are you-
*He jumped into the TV and ran over to Vox*
Are ya okay?! What happened!!-
holy sh- T.J.? hi! i'm fine, don't worry, but I just got stabbed by an angelic weapon (or the equivalent of it) in the stomach while trying to protect one of my sons and i'm currently in my ex's house trying to hold my intestines in.
I'm fine though!
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-Graduale: Anima nostra sicut passer -Communio: Vox in Rama audita est Proprium missae in festo SS. Innocentium martyrum
-Anima nostra, sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium. / Laqueus contritus est, et nos liberati sumus. / Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, qui fecit caelum et terram.
-Vox in Rama audíta est, ploratus et ululátus: Rachel plorans fílios suos, noluit consolari, quia non sunt. / Iratus Herodes iusit occidere omnes pueros, qui erant in Bethlehem et Judeae et in omnibus finibus ejus.
Eya Mater (Chant Grégorien, Polyphonies Des XIe-XIIe Siècles). Discantus, Brigitte Lesne. (1995, Opus 111 – OPS 30-143)
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Vox was bored. And God, he hated being bored. Almost as much as he both hated and loved his rival beyond belief. And in the sense, that parallel, both of them hating the very notion of boredom more than anything, made Vox's blood boil in his lifeless veins. This must be remedied immediately, with no room for error.
He decided to peer through the TVs of the living world. He spotted many intriguing things, and many traumatizing things, as well. He did not need to see that old couple going at it doggy style, that's for sure. But after flipping through a few "programs", as he called them, he finally landed on a quaint-looking pizzeria, and gave a smile. Kids were always so cute. He watched them play and roughhouse, eat and sing. Even if he never felt himself good with them, or the desire to have any of his own, he couldn't deny that this sight made him endlessly happy.
However, here's the kicker: unlike in Hell, where those being spied on wouldn't be able to tell or have any way of knowing he was there, in the living world, his face blocks out anything that was playing on the TV before, making him rather conspicuous for a spy.
— ★ @domini-inferni (Vox)
*As Vox watched the children play around, in the corner of hsi eye, he spots a mysterious person in a trench coat. The mysterious guy had a gun in his pocket and was staring at the children from afar. He looked like he was about to walk towards the children, but stops when an humanoid animatronic bear walks out to join the kids in playtime. The mystery person silently leaves unnoticed.* @domini-inferni
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@vietat0 asked: Make lucifer flushed no big deal she is just going to bite his neck and play with his wings " I hope this is okay" And so the other two don't feel left out Alastor gets a muffin because what's more sexy than a woman respecting your boundaries And vox just gets flashed a nice pair of tits and some thigh
" Oh, Eve, if I had known this is the kind of thing you had in you I would've convinced my wife to take you with us when we went down. "
But also he's been through a lot worse than this. So she gets a... 10%. He's flushed, but that's just his body reacting to the stimulation.
He didn't expect this. Nor does he know what to do with it. He's not really one for sweets so he just. Has a muffin now. From a stranger. So he just lets it slip out of his hands and his main shadow, Lucas, eats it right up.
Sorry Eve but you're getting a 0% out of this. He's a tough nut to crack.
" Damn, you just give those out for free? Or did word of the amazing Voximillian Domini reach your ears as well? "
He's not blushing or flustered, so a 0% on that. But he is looking and thinking horrid things so. 100% on turning him on? I guess??
#𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝒦𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐻𝐼𝑀𝒮𝐸𝐿𝐹 [ Lucifer | IC ]#𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝒮𝒲𝐸𝐸𝒯 𝑅𝒜𝒟𝐼𝒪 𝒟𝐸𝑀𝒪𝒩 [ Alastor | IC ]#𝒴𝒪𝒰𝑅 𝐹𝒜𝒱𝒪𝑅𝐼𝒯𝐸 𝒞𝐸𝒪 [ Vox | IC ]#𝒜𝒩𝒪𝒯𝐻𝐸𝑅 𝒮𝒜𝒯𝐼𝒮𝐹𝐼𝐸𝒟 𝒞𝒰𝒮𝒯𝒪𝑀𝐸𝑅! [ General | Ask Answered ]#vietat0
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Păstorul al comunității Vox Domini, Fane Szabo, a plecat în veșnicie! Dumnezeu să mângâie familia îndoliată
Dragul și bunul nostru frate și Păstor al comunității Vox Domini, Fane Szabo, a plecat astăzi la Domnul pe care L-a iubit și L-a urmat. A fost dedicat până în ultima clipă a vieții sale slujirii Domnului Isus Hristos și celor mai iubiți frați ai Săi. Serviciile de priveghi vor avea loc vineri și sâmbătă, 14 și 15 iulie, de la ora 19:00, iar serviciul de înmormântare, duminică, de la ora 14:00,…
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the two ocs in vox domini would just,,, have a nice long bath together. hades has one of those huge mfing built-in spa looking baths, they’d just get in and wash each other’s hair and relax :)
I finished a book that cleaved my heart in a million pieces.
Have sympathy, tell me how you would reward your character after going through Hell, saving the world, defeating their biggest enemy. Do they like brownies? A beautiful sunset? Arms to warm themselves beneath at the end of it all?
(If any of you say “by hurting them some more”, I’m blocking you. None of your games. My heart is already broken.)
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Lmao què en penses d'això? A mi m'ha fotut una mica, i els comentaris que n'he vist- 🧍🏻♂
Té més vídeos sobre Catalunya, però jo ja...
Lol, pura propaganda. Repeteix el mateix que qualsevol discurs de C's, PP, VOX o PSC/PSOE. No aporta cap argument nou.
(Qui estigui llegint aquest post i no hagi vist el vídeo, la veritat és que ni tan sols li recomano que el miri, no val la pena donar-li més visualitzacions per sentir el mateix discurs de sempre. El que sobta és que ho diu un americà, però està repetint el discurs C’s. Resum perquè no us calgui mirar-lo si voleu llegir aquest post, és un vídeo de 10 minuts d’un americà al lavabo de casa seva que mira un vídeo d’Òmnium i “reacciona” a cada frase desmentint-la.)
No em sorprèn que digui això sobre Catalunya sentint el que creu sobre les dones quan parla de la llei d’igualtat de gènere. Diu que no hi ha cap desavantatge en la societat per ser dona, que les dones menteixen als tribunals acusant a homes de ser violadors, i diu que si les feministes volguessin la igualtat estarien defensant als homes acusats de violació.... Ja, veiem d’on venen les idees. Ho confirma més endavant, quan utilitza Intereconomía (cadena de televisió neofranquista) com a font fiable.
El que em sembla bo d’aquest vídeo és que és un resum de tots els arguments que tenen contra l’autodeterminació de Catalunya, molts dels quals aplicables també a altres estats contra l’autodeterminació de les nacions sense estat. Per això desgranaré cadascun dels seus arguments, ens és útil conèixer-los perquè tard o d’hora ens els tornaran a repetir segur.
Repàs del que diu:
1. No es pot declarar la independència perquè va en contra de la llei espanyola
Això és la típica excusa per defensar l'status quo sense haver de donar motius. Legal no és igual a ètic. L’esclavitud era legal i això no vol dir que estigués bé, i les dones no podíem votar i això no vol dir que el fet que les dones votin en una democràcia sigui una cosa dolenta. La llei són un conjunt de normes que crea un poder (amb més o menys intervenció del poble, després ho comentarem) amb un seguit d'objectius.
Un dels principals objectius és perpetuar el poder existent. Una dictadura farà lleis que permetin la continuïtat de la dictadura (no tenir un límit de temps durant el qual es pot tenir un lloc públic, etc), una democràcia farà lleis que permetin la continuïtat de la democràcia (fixar cada quant hi haurà eleccions, com funcionaran, qui es pot presentar, qui pot votar i qui no, etc), una monarquia el mateix per la monarquia (drets de successió, delegació de poder en els ministres i la noblesa, etc) i així qualsevol sistema. Un Estat que basa una part significativa de la seva economia en la riquesa que s'extreu de Catalunya i no es retorna veuria trontollar el seu poder si el deixés anar, i permetent la independència de Catalunya obriria la porta a la independència d'altres nacions com el País Basc i Galícia, a més de la resta dels Països Catalans sota domini espanyol i un possible replantejament el model de supremacia castellana-madrilenya a la resta de comunitats (no només l'Aragó, Astúries, etc que també tenen llengües pròpies, sinó fins i tot un replantejament de l'equilibri territorial que desmoroni el centralisme característic d'Espanya).
Un altre objectiu de les lleis és l'ideològic. Sovint corre la idea que les lleis no han de ser ideològiques, que el govern ha de governar "per a tothom" (com allò de "gobernar para todos los catalanes", us sona?) però això és impossible, perquè qualsevol decisió està sempre afectada per la ideologia, i això és bo o dolent segons si hi estàs d'acord o no. En el cas de l'Estat espanyol, moltes lleis estan basades en la ideologia dominant la qual, justament pel fet de ser la dominant, es justifica dient que no és ideologia, que les ideologies són les altres. (Igual que quan els nacionalistes espanyols diuen que els nacionalistes som nosaltres, a ells mateixos no es veuen com a nacionalistes perquè són la ideologia dominant, simplement ho veuen com allò "normal", no ideològic). Això inclou des de les lleis que regulen la llibertat d'expressió (per exemple les injúries contra la corona o l'enaltiment del terrorisme), el dret a utilitzar les llengües que no siguin el castellà (exemple, informe detallat), o les que s’oposen a l’autodeterminació dels pobles, entre moltes d’altres. La ideologia dominant des de fa segles a Espanya està clarament basada en el supremacisme castellà, i les lleis ho reflecteixen. Estretament relacionat amb això, l’Estat espanyol fa molts segles que ha tingut com a ideologia dominant l’imperialisme, i encara avui en dia, adaptat a l’actualitat (és a dir, no pots envair territoris externs però el que encara estigui ocupat per l’Estat ho pots tractar com vulguis), continua com una de les idees més presents en la ideologia dominant, en la majoria dels casos inconscientment.
Altres objectius de les lleis són objectius que, en el moment en què es creen aquestes lleis, serveixin per intentar solucionar un problema que estigui passant en aquell moment. En el cas de la Constitució espanyola, el context històric és el final de la dictadura franquista i l’intent de transició a una democràcia on els poders del franquisme puguin mantenir els seus privilegis.
2. Els catalans van acceptar aquesta legalitat quan van votar a favor de la Constitució el 1979
Això torna a ser un argument que no va enlloc, es podrien comentar moltes coses però em centraré en tres.
Primer de tot, aquí està passant per alt el context històric d’aquella decisió. Era un moment d’esperança perquè acabés el règim, sí, però també de por i inseguretat. La gent no sabia què passaria o si hi hauria un altre cop d’estat (hello 23F) i en qualsevol moment es tornaria a la dictadura. És normal que presentats amb dues opcions -dictadura o aquesta petita democràcia que ens ofereixen- molta gent s’aferrés al canvi que es proposava. Encara que no estiguessin d’acord amb tots els punts de la Constitució o creguessin que hi faltaven coses, és la idea del “més val Torrefeta que Castellserà” o “más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando”; tu de moment agafa el que tens no sigui que et quedis sense res, després si cal ja construirem la resta del castell o caçarem més ocells.
La segona raó és sobre la pròpia natura del referèndum. No va ser un procés participatiu on la gent pogués debatre i aportar idees, sinó que la Constitució la van escriure uns representants. I, un cop feta, el referèndum et donava dues opcions: sí o no. I molta gent entenia: sí o tornem a la dictadura. És per això que Alianza Popular (el que des del 1989 coneixem com a Partido Popular) va votar en contra de la Constitució.
També hi va votar en contra partits d’esquerres independentistes com Euskadiko Ezkerra i van cridar a votar “no” o a l’abstenció el PSAN-P, ERC, BTC, Herri Batasuna, Unión do Povo Galego, Movimiento Comunista, Bandera Roja, Organización de Izquierda Comunista...
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Tot això va existir. I tal com es veu al vídeo, un 32,09% de la població de Catalunya es va abstenir.
Tot i això, va guanyar el sí a la Constitució. És a dir, segons la lògica de la democràcia representativa, la població de Catalunya va donar el seu consentiment a ser governada per aquesta Constitució.
Però han passat anys, han canviat generacions i ha canviat el context polític i social. A mi, que els meus avis donessin el seu consentiment a aquestes lleis, no em diu res, perquè a mi ningú me l’ha demanat, el consentiment. Que altres persones, en un altre moment i en unes altres condicions diguessin que sí no justifica que s’hagi de seguir implementant pels segles dels segles. En un sistema sa, la gent sempre hauria de poder mostrar el seu desacord i canviar el que calgui. I els catalans hem demostrat amb escreix que no hi estem d’acord. És lícit i hauria de ser més comú, perquè és bo que la societat progressi i canvii d’opinió al llarg dels anys. I ho hem demostrat a través dels canals acceptats al sistema democràtic, tant a les urnes com en manifestacions pacífiques.
(Per altres coses sobre el referèndum de la Constitució, deixo un article publicat a El País el 7 de desembre del 1978, dia després del referèndum que va aprovar la Constitució, que explica com milers de persones no van poder votar perquè el cens tenia errors i en algunes províncies les irregularitats van arribar fins al 30%. https://elpais.com/diario/1978/12/07/opinion/281833202_850215.html)
Els catalans van acceptar el segon article de la Constitució que diu que tota la nació [Estat espanyol] ha de votar si algú es vol independitzar.
Aquesta llei va en contra del dret internacionalment reconegut a l’autodeterminació.
Article 1 del Pacte Internacional de Drets Civils i Polítics de la ONU: “1. Todos los pueblos tienen el derecho de libre determinación. En virtud de este derecho establecen libremente su condición política y proveen asimismo a su desarrollo económico, social y cultural.” (Font)
On s’és vist que l’oprimit hagi d’aconseguir que l’opressor voti donar-li la llibertat? Mentre una de les dues parts no doni el seu consentiment en estar en aquesta situació, té dret a marxar-ne. És com un divorci, imagina que un maltractador diu a la seva parella que, tot i que ella vulgui el divorci, no es poden divorciar perquè ell no ho vol.
3. La comunitat internacional reconeix la llei espanyola, per tant ningú [s’entén: cap estat] reconeixerà mai una Catalunya independent.
La llei internacional passa per sobre de la llei espanyola, i ja hem mencionat què en diu l’ONU. A més, Espanya és membre de la ONU i ha signat el Pacte Internacional de Drets Civils i Polítics.
Només cal mirar els últim anys per veure el cas de la República de Kosovo. Es podria dir el mateix, que “la comunitat internacional reconeix la llei Sèrbia”, i tot i així molts països reconeixen la independència de Kosovo, incloent-hi els Estats Units, França, Alemanya, Itàlia, el Regne Unit, el Japó...
Òbviament és difícil que se’t reconegui com a estat independent sense que l’estat ocupant t’alliberi per voluntat pròpia, però això acaba passant tard o d’hora si realment fas efectiva la independència.
En realitat, ets independent quan deixes de dependre de l’estat ocupant. Així de fàcil. Si et comportes com a estat independent, ets de facto independent. Els reconeixements ja acabaran venint, un avantatge que tenim davant de Kosovo és que Catalunya és un fort motor econòmic a Europa i a molts estats i grans empreses els convé tenir accés al nostre mercat i fins i tot tenir-hi seu.
4. Les lleis que aprova el Parlament de Catalunya però no es poden implementar perquè les tomba el Tribunal Constitucional espanyol (llei de pobresa energètica, igualtat de gènere, energia nuclear) en realitat no les podia aprovar en primer lloc, per tant no és culpa del TC sinó que el Parlament de Catalunya fa coses il·legals.
Literalment la funció del Parlament de Catalunya és crear i modificar lleis a Catalunya. El vídeo apunta a contradiccions en la legislació, que és justament el que estava rectificant el Parlament. Així funcionen les lleis. El Parlament elegit democràticament pels habitants de Catalunya ha de poder legislar d’acord amb els programes amb els què s’ha presentat.
A més, les mentides que diu sobre les acusacions de violació el deixen retratat. No entraré a discutir-ho perquè sinó se’m farà massa llarg el post, però espero que tothom que segueix aquest blog ja sàpiga que no és veritat. L’únic motiu que dona contra la llei d’igualtat de gènere és que no cal, que les dones som unes pesades per queixar-nos i que ja tenim avantatge en la societat respecte als homes. Uf.
Tanca aquest apartat dient que totes les lleis que va aprovar el Parlament eren il·legals i que “if you guys want legal change in Catalonia, do it the legal way and not the illegal way” (“si voleu un canvi legal a Catalunya, feu-ho de la manera legal i no de la manera il·legal”). Justament, tot el procés independentista català s’ha basat en seguir les lleis internacionals i, fins on ha sigut possible, la llei espanyola. S’ha fet a través de la representació de partits polítics legals votats en eleccions democràtiques legalment acceptades per l’Estat espanyol. Tot el canvi s’ha fet de manera legal, justament hi ha gent que ens acusa d’haver sigut massa legals, acceptant la legalitat de l’opressor.
5. El referèndum no es podia fer pactat amb l’Estat perquè va en contra la llei espanyola
Repeteix el mateix del punt anterior per la llei de referèndum. Com ja hem dit, està reconegut per les Nacions Unides i és un dret fonamental de tots els pobles.
Si la llei espanyola no recull aquest dret, el problema no el tenen els qui volen exercir el dret, sinó la llei espanyola, que s’ha de canviar. Però clar, això mai se’ls acudeix proposar-ho perquè va en contra de la seva ideologia imperialista.
6. El vídeo d’Òmnium diu que els polítics espanyols estan negant que hi hagués violència policial l’1 d’octubre i inclou vídeos i so del Ministre d’Exteriors dient que no hi va haver violència policial i que les fotos i vídeos d’aquell dia són falses. L’home que fa el vídeo diu: ningú està negant que hi hagués violència policial, Òmnium s’ho inventa.
Justament uns pocs segons abans de dir això, el mateix vídeo mostra a polítics negant-ho. Ell mateix ens ha mostrat les proves i ara ho nega per fer veure que ens fem les víctimes sense motiu. Ell mateix es contradiu, i queda clar que no és per ignorància (perquè ens acaba de mostrar les proves) sinó per reforçar el seu discurs.
Aleshores diu que la gent va mentir, dient que els havien pegat el dia del referèndum quan no era cert. La prova d’això que mostra és un vídeo del programa El gato al agua de la cadena de televisió obertament feixista Intereconomía i fotos d’internet. Si van corre imatges equivocades, és un error i no s’ha d’agafar aquell cas. Però utilitzar 4 fotos per dir que els centenars de persones ferides l’1-O mentien és una fal·làcia. Això no nega la violència policial massiva que hi va haver aquell dia.
I per cert, diu 1-0 (“one zero”) en comptes de “one O”, no sap ni que 1-O vol dir 1 d’Octubre. Si has de fer un vídeo sobre el tema, això és bàsic de saber.
7. La gran majoria de catalans no dona suport al referèndum.
Simplement és mentida.
Tal com diu Newtral.es, depenent de les enquestes que consultis els resultats són diferents. Hi ha empreses que han fet enquestes segons les quals el 80,4% dels catalans està a favor d’un referèndum sobre la independència (no necessàriament estan tots a favor de la independència) i un va arribar a la xifra baixa de 42,4%. La majoria donaven una mica per sobre del 60%.
Una manera de mirar-ho sense haver d’utilitzar enquestes que paguen diferents empreses és mirar els resultats electorals. Més de la meitat de l’electorat de Catalunya havia votat opcions a favor del referèndum (independentistes i els Comuns, que al 2017 deien que votar estava bé i votarien no).
Però estant en una democràcia, per què ens hem de preguntar si tenim dret a vot? Simplement anem i votem, i dius si hi estàs en contra o a favor o t’abstens, com es fa amb totes les altres eleccions. O ens faran votar sobre si tenim dret a votar? O per això ens haurien de fer votar si tenim dret a votar que si tenim dret a votar? I així successivament fins que entrem en un loop de referèndums sobre referèndums /j.
8. Pocs catalans volen la independència de Catalunya.
No és cert, però la manera més fàcil de comprovar-ho és que tots els habitants de Catalunya majors de 18 (o 16) anys votin, i així sabrem exactament quants ho volen i quants no. És a dir, un referèndum.
9. Els independentistes van decidir el resultat del referèndum abans que aquest es celebrés.
Mentida i utilitza proves falses d’unes gravacions que la Guardia Civil va donar a El Periódico (suposo que recordem el caos que era El Periódico i les seves notícies falses aquells mesos, culminant amb literalment representats de la CIA havent de desmentir les notícies falses que publicaven sobre Catalunya i la CIA). A més, hi havia observadors internacionals i els vots es van comptar de la mateixa manera que en qualssevol eleccions normals.
Ara, si aquest argument fos honest i li preocupés de veritat la veracitat dels resultats del referèndum, demanaria un referèndum pactat que es pugui celebrar en condicions normals i completament legals, de manera que no hi hauria dubte sobre els resultats. Però no, només ho diu per desprestigiar l’1-O i tothom qui defensa un referèndum.
I aquí s’acaba el vídeo.
Gràcies anònim per enviar-nos-el! I, com sempre, tothom qui vulgui pot comentar si creieu que ha faltat alguna cosa.
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Octavo Kalendas Ianuarii Luna vicesima nona Anno Domini 2019 Anno a creatióne mundi, quando in princípio Deus creávit cælum et terram, quinquiés millésimo centésimo nonagésimo nono; a dilúvio autem, anno bis millésimo nongentésimo quinquagésimo séptimo; a nativitáte Abrahæ, anno bis millésimo quintodécimo; a Móyse et egréssu pópuli Israel de Ægýpto, anno millésimo quingentésimo décimo; ab unctióne David in Regem, anno millésimo trigésimo secúndo; Hebdómada sexagésima quinta, iuxta Daniélis prophétiam; Olympíade centésima nonagésima quarta; ab urbe Roma cóndita, anno septingentésimo quinquagésimo secúndo; anno Impérii Octaviáni Augústi quadragésimo secúndo, toto Orbe in pace compósito, sexta mundi ætáte, Iesus Christus, ætérnus Deus æterníque Patris Fílius, mundum volens advéntu suo piíssimo consecráre, de Spíritu Sancto concéptus, novémque post conceptiónem decúrsis ménsibus (Hic vox elevatur, et omnes genua flectunt), in Béthlehem Iudæ náscitur ex María Vírgine factus Homo. (Hic autem in priori voce dicitur, et in tono passionis:) Natívitas Dómini nostri Iesu Christi secúndum carnem.
December 25th 2019, the 29th day of the Moon,
In the year 5199th from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, in the year 2957th from the flood, in the year 2015th from the birth of Abraham, in the year 1510th from the going forth of the people of Israel out of Egypt under Moses, in the year 1032th from the anointing of David as King, in the 65th week according to the prophecy of Daniel, in the 194th Olympiad, in the 752nd from the foundation of the city of Rome, in the 42nd year of the reign of the Emperor Octavian Augustus, in the 6th age of the world, while the whole earth was at peace, Jesus Christ, Himself Eternal God and Son of the Eternal Father, being pleased to hallow the world by His most gracious coming, having been conceived of the Holy Ghost, and when nine months were passed after His conception, (all kneel down) was born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem of Juda made Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ was born according to the flesh.
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Book Of Genesis - From The Latin Vulgate - Chapter 4
The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written like one continued word or verse; but the Sept. have preferred to give the titles the most memorable occurrences of each work. On this occasion, the Creation of all things out of nothing, strikes us with peculiar force. We find a refutation of all the heathenish mythology, and of the world's eternity, which Aristotle endeavoured to establish. We behold the short reign of innocence, and the origin of sin and misery, the dispersion of nations, and the providence of God watching over his chosen people, till the death of Joseph, about the year 2369 (Usher) 2399 (Sal. and Tirin) B.C. 1631. We shall witness the same care in the other Books of Scripture, and adore his wisdom and goodness in preserving to himself faithful witnesses, and a true Holy Catholic Church, in all ages, even when the greatest corruption seemed to overspread the land. H.
This Book is so called from its treating of the Generation, that is, of the Creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it Bereshith, from the word with which it begins. It contains not only the History of the Creation of the World, but also an account of its progress during the space of 2369 years, that is, until the death of Joseph.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 4
The history of Cain and Abel.
[1] And Adam knew Eve his wife: who conceived and brought forth Cain, saying: I have gotten a man through God. Adam vero cognovit uxorem suam Hevam, quae concepit et peperit Cain, dicens : Possedi hominem per Deum.
[2] And again she brought forth his brother Abel. And Abel was a shepherd, and Cain a husbandman. Rursumque peperit fratrem ejus Abel. Fuit autem Abel pastor ovium, et Cain agricola.
[3] And it came to pass after many days, that Cain offered, of the fruits of the earth, gifts to the Lord. Factum est autem post multos dies ut offerret Cain de fructibus terrae munera Domino.
[4] Abel also offered of the firstlings of his flock, and of their fat: and the Lord had respect to Abel, and to his offerings. Abel quoque obtulit de primogenitis gregis sui, et de adipibus eorum : et respexit Dominus ad Abel, et ad munera ejus.
[5] But to Cain and his offerings he had no respect: and Cain was exceedingly angry, and his countenance fell. Ad Cain vero, et ad munera illius non respexit : iratusque est Cain vehementer, et concidit vultus ejus.
[6] And the Lord said to him: Why art thou angry? and why is thy countenance fallen? Dixitque Dominus ad eum : Quare iratus es? et cur concidit facies tua?
[7] If thou do well, shalt thou not receive? but if ill, shall not sin forthwith be present at the door? but the lust thereof shall be under thee, and thou shalt have dominion over it. nonne si bene egeris, recipies : sin autem male, statim in foribus peccatum aderit? sed sub te erit appetitus ejus, et tu dominaberis illius.
[8] And Cain said to Abel his brother: Let us go forth abroad. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him. Dixitque Cain ad Abel fratrem suum : Egrediamur foras. Cumque essent in agro, consurrexit Cain adversus fratrem suum Abel, et interfecit eum.
[9] And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy brother Abel? And he answered, I know not: am I my brother's keeper? Et ait Dominus ad Cain : Ubi est Abel frater tuus? Qui respondit : Nescio : num custos fratris mei sum ego?
[10] And he said to him: What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth. Dixitque ad eum : Quid fecisti? vox sanguinis fratris tui clamat ad me de terra.
[11] Now, therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and received the blood of thy brother at thy hand. Nunc igitur maledictus eris super terram, quae aperuit os suum, et suscepit sanguinem fratris tui de manu tua.
[12] When thou shalt till it, it shall not yield to thee its fruit: a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be upon the earth. Cum operatus fueris eam, non dabit tibi fructus suos : vagus et profugus eris super terram.
[13] And Cain said to the Lord: My iniquity is greater than that I may deserve pardon. Dixitque Cain ad Dominum : Major est iniquitas mea, quam ut veniam merear.
[14] Behold thou dost cast me out this day from the face of the earth, and I shall be hidden from thy face, and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth: every one, therefore, that findeth me, shall kill me. Ecce ejicis me hodie a facie terrae, et a facie tua abscondar, et ero vagus et profugus in terra : omnis igitur qui invenerit me, occidet me.
[15] And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not kill him. Dixitque ei Dominus : Nequaquam ita fiet : sed omnis qui occiderit Cain, septuplum punietur. Posuitque Dominus Cain signum, ut non interficeret eum omnis qui invenisset eum.
[16] And Cain went out from the face of the Lord, and dwelt as a fugitive on the earth, at the east side of Eden. Egressusque Cain a facie Domini, habitavit profugus in terra ad orientalem plagam Eden.
[17] And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city, and called the name thereof by the name of his son Henoch. Cognovit autem Cain uxorem suam, quae concepit, et peperit Henoch : et aedificavit civitatem, vocavitque nomen ejus ex nomine filii sui, Henoch.
[18] And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad begot Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathusael, and Mathusael begot Lamech: Porro Henoch genuit Irad, et Irad genuit Maviael, et Maviael genuit Mathusael, et Mathusael genuit Lamech.
[19] Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other Sella. Qui accepit duas uxores, nomen uni Ada, et nomen alteri Sella.
[20] And Ada brought forth Jabel: who was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of herdsmen. Genuitque Ada Jabel, qui fuit pater habitantium in tentoriis, atque pastorum.
[21] And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of them that play upon the harp and the organs. Et nomen fratris ejus Jubal : ipse fuit pater canentium cithara et organo.
[22] Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artificer in every work of brass and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain was Noema. Sella quoque genuit Tubalcain, qui fuit malleator et faber in cuncta opera aeris et ferri. Soror vero Tubalcain, Noema.
[23] And Lamech said to his wives Ada and Sella: Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech: for I have slain a man to the wounding of myself, and a stripling to my own bruising. Dixitque Lamech uxoribus suis Adae et Sellae : Audite vocem meam, uxores Lamech; auscultate sermonem meum : quoniam occidi virum in vulnus meum, et adolescentulum in livorem meum.
[24] Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold. Septuplum ultio dabitur de Cain : de Lamech vero septuagies septies.
[25] Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew. Cognovit quoque adhuc Adam uxorem suam : et peperit filium, vocavitque nomen ejus Seth, dicens : Posuit mihi Deus semen aliud pro Abel, quem occidit Cain.
[26] But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord. Sed et Seth natus est filius, quem vocavit Enos : iste coepit invocare nomen Domini.
Ver. 1. Through God. Heb. may signify also: "even God," as if she thought this was the promised seed, who, as Onkelos paraphrases it, would serve the Lord. C. --- So little could she foresee the future conduct of Cain, whose name may be derived either from kone, possession and acquisition, or from kun, lamentation. The latter interpretation would have been better verified by the event, and the name of Abel, vanity, or sorrow, for which his parents allege no reason, might also have been reversed, on account of his justice, for which he is canonized by Christ himself, and declared the Just. Pious and significant names were imposed by either parent. Cain was the second man. He was not conceived till after the fall, and was therefore the first born in original sin. H.
Ver. 4. Had respect. That is, shewed his acceptance of his sacrifice (as coming from a heart full of devotion): and that we may suppose, by some visible token, such as sending fire from heaven upon his offerings. Ch. --- The offerings of Cain are mentioned without any approbation: those of Abel are the firstlings and fat, or the very best; by which he testified, that he acknowledged God for his first beginning. Sacrifice is due to God alone, and to Him it has always been offered in the Church. We have the happiness to offer that truly eucharistic sacrifice to God, of which those of ancient times were only figures. What sacrifice can our erring brethren shew? W. C.
Ver. 7. Over it. This is a clear proof of free-will. To destroy its force, Protestants translate over him, as if Cain should still retain his privilege of the first-born, notwithstanding all his wickedness, and should rule over Abel, who would willingly submit, "unto thee his desire," &c. But God had made no mention of Abel. The whole discourse is about doing well or ill; and Cain is encouraged to avoid the stings of conscience, by altering his conduct, as it was in his power, how strongly soever his passions might solicit him to evil. H. --- The Hebrew is understood by Onkelos, and the Targum of Jerusalem, in the sense of the Vulgate. The latter reads, "If thou correct thy proceedings in this life, thou wilt receive pardon in the next world. But if thou do not penance for thy sin, it shall remain till the day of the great judgment, and it shall stay, lying at the door of thy heart. But I have given thee power to govern thy concupiscence: thou shalt sway it, either to embrace good or evil." Calmet shews that the Hebrew perfectly admits of this sense. S. Augustine will not allow of the turn which the Manichees gave it. "Thou shalt have dominion over (illius.) What? thy brother! (absit) by no means: over what then, but sin? De C. xv. 7. Protestants formerly abandoned the translation of 1579, (which they have again resumed) and translated better, "unto thee shall be the desire thereof, and thou shalt rule over it," which R. Abenezra explains also of sin. To which of these editions, all given by royal authority, will Protestants adhere? Luther wrote a book against free-will, and Calvin would not admit the very name. But we, with all antiquity, must cry out with S. Jerom, c. Jov. 2: "God made us with free-will, neither are we drawn by necessity to virtue or vice; else where there is necessity, there is neither damnation nor reward." W. H.
Ver. 8. Let us go forth abroad. These words are now wanting in the Hebrew; being omitted, according to Kennicott, since the days of Aquila 130; they are found in the Samaritan copy and version, in the Sept. &c. H. --- The Masorets place a mark, as if something were defective here, and in 27 other verses, or in 25 at least. H. --- Abel's violent death was a figure of that of Jesus Christ, inflicted for the like cause. See Heb. xii. 2. C. --- In consequence of these crimes, Cain separated from the Church, and the Jews became no longer God's people: both Cain and the Jews became vagabonds. H. --- The Targum of Jerusalem observes, that Cain talked against God's providence and the future world, which Abel hearing with marked indignation, Cain took occasion to kill him. W.
Ver. 13. My iniquity, &c. Like Judas, Cain despairs. The Rabbins make him complain of the rigour of God's judgment, "My sin (or punishment) is too great to be borne." I must then be driven from the land of my nativity, from the society of my brethren and parents, from thy presence, for ever. Why do I then live? Let the first man I meet, kill me. Liran.
Ver. 14. Every one that findeth me, shall kill me. His guilty conscience made him fear his own brothers, and nephews; of whom, by this time, there might be a good number upon the earth: which had now endured near 130 years; as may be gathered from Gen. v. 3, compared with Chap. iv. 25, though in the compendious account given in the Scripture, only Cain and Abel are mentioned. Ch. --- Cain is little concerned about any thing but the loss of life. M.
Ver. 15. Set a mark, &c. The more common opinion of the interpreters of holy writ, supposes this mark to have been a trembling of the body; or a horror and consternation in his countenance. Ch. --- God gave this first murderer a reprieve, allowing him time for repentance; but he neglected it, and died a reprobate; having been, during life, the head of an apostate church, and of the city of the devil, which has ever since opposed the city of God, and the society of the faithful. Though all his posterity were drowned in the deluge, some were soon found, even in the family of Noe, who stood up for the wretched pre-eminence in wickedness and rebellion, against the truth. See S. Aug. W. &c. H.
Ver. 16. A fugitive, according to his sentence. Heb. nod, which the Sept. have taken for a proper name. "In the land of Naid, over against Eden," (H.) or in the fields of Nyse, in Hyrcania, to the east of Eden and Armenia. C.
Ver. 17. His wife. She was a daughter of Adam, and Cain's own sister; God dispensing with such marriages in the beginning of the world, as mankind could not otherwise be propagated. --- He built a city, viz. In process of time, when his race was multiplied, so as to be numerous enough to people it. For in the many hundred years he lived, his race might be multiplied even to millions. Ch. --- The Hanuchta, which Ptolemy places in Susiana, (C.) may perhaps have been built after the flood, in the same place. Josephus says, Cain was the first who fortified a city; designing it for a retreat, where he might keep the fruits of his robberies. Ant. 1. 3. Peirere founds his ill-concerted system of Preadamites, or of men existing before Adam, on the history of Cain exercising husbandry, building a city, &c.; as if there were any difficulty in supposing, that the arts would have made some progress in the lapse of above a century. H.
Ver. 19. Two wives. Lamech first transgressed the law of having only one wife at a time. C. 11. 24. None before the deluge is mentioned as having followed his example, even among the abandoned sons of men. Abraham, the father of the faithful, and some others, after that event, when the age of man was shortened, and the number of the true servants of God very small, were dispensed with by God, who tolerated the custom of having many wives at the same time among the Jews, till our Saviour brought things back to the ancient standard. Mat. xix. 4. And why do we excuse the patriarchs, while we condemn Lamech? Because the one being associated with the wicked, gives us reason to judge unfavourably of him, while Abraham is constantly mentioned in Scripture with terms of approbation and praise, and therefore we have no right to pass sentence of condemnation upon him, as some Protestants have done, after the Manichees. Hence the fathers defend the one, and reject the other with abhorrence. H. --- Tert. (Monog. c. 5.) and S. Jerom, c. Jovin. 1. says, "Lamech, first of all, a bloody murderer, divided one flesh between two wives." It was never lawful, says P. Innocent III. c. Gaudemus, for any one to have many wives at once, unless leave was given by divine revelation;" and S. Aug. joins with him in defending the patriarchs, by this reason, "When it was the custom, it was not a sin."
Ver. 22. Noema, who is supposed to have invented the art of spinning. C. --- All these worthy people were distinguished for their proficiency in the arts, while they neglected the study of religion and virtue. H. --- The inventors of arts among the Greeks lived mostly after the siege of Troy. C.
Ver. 23. Said. This is the most ancient piece of poetry with which we are acquainted. Fleury. --- Lamech may be considered as the father of poets. H. --- I have slain a man, &c. It is the tradition of the Hebrews, that Lamech in hunting slew Cain, mistaking him for a wild beast: and that having discovered what he had done, he beat so unmercifully the youth, by whom he was led into that mistake, that he died of the blows. Ch. --- S. Jerom, 9. 1. ad Dam. acknowledges the difficulty of this passage, on which Origen wrote two whole books. W.
Ver. 24. Seventy times. A similar expression occurs, Mat. xviii. 22. to denote a great but indefinite number. God had promised to revenge the murder of Cain seven fold, though he had sinned voluntarily; so Lamech hopes that, as he had acted by mistake, and blinded by passion, in striking the stripling, the son of Tubalcain, he would deserve to be protected still more from falling a prey to the fury of any other. But many reject this tradition as fabulous, unknown to Philo, Josephus, &c. Moses no where mentions the death of Cain. Some, therefore, understand this passage with an interrogation; as if, to convince his wives that his sin was not so enormous as was supposed, he should say, Do not think of leaving me. What! have I killed a young man, as Cain did Abel, and still he is suffered to live unmolested; or have I beaten any one so that I should be punished? Onkelos, in effect, puts a negation to the same purport, "I have not killed, &c.:" (C.) others understand this passage, as if Lamech considered his crimes as much more grievous than even those of Cain. T.
Ver. 26. Began to call upon, &c. Not that Adam and Seth had not called upon God before the birth of Enos, but that Enos used more solemnity in the worship and invocation of God. Ch. --- He directed all his thoughts towards heaven, being reminded by his own name, which signifies one afflicted, that he could look for no solid happiness on earth. Seth had brought him up, from his infancy, in these pious sentiments, and his children were so docile to his instructions, that they began to be known in the world for their extraordinary piety, and were even styled the Sons of God. C. vi. 2. H. --- Religion was not a human invention, but many ceremonies have been adopted, at different times, to make an impression on the minds of the people. Before Enos, the heads of families had officiated in their own houses; now, perhaps, they met together in places consecrated to the divine service, and sounded forth the praises of the Most High. Enos was probably most conspicuous for his zeal on these occasions: at least, a new degree of fervour manifested itself in his days. On the other hand, "the name of the Lord began to be profaned" about this time, as the Rabbin understand this passage, by the introduction of idolatry; which is a common effect of a dissolute life, which many began now to lead. Wis. xiv. 12. C. --- The beginning of fornication is the devising of idols. We have, nevertheless, no certain proof of idols being introduced till many years after the deluge. H.
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Qué Sucede En El Santísimo? - Catalina Rivas
Catalina Rivas Es una mística y escritora reconocida por tener estigmas y recibir visiones de Jesús y la Virgen María de las cuales ha escrito varios libros. Se graduó de la escuela primaria en 1994. Es casada y madre de familia. Durante 30 años trabajo como secretaria ejecutiva de varias empresas. Es fundadora del Apostolado de la Nueva Evangelización, Asociación de fieles aprobada por el obispo diocesano en 1999, y extendida en diversos países. En el año 2006 funda el Instituto de vida consagrada Stella Maris, en proceso de fundación y con sede en Mérida, Yucatán (México). Catalina ha recibido estigmas y ha escrito libros sobre las revelaciones recibidas. TESTIMONIO Cuando oraba bajo la cruz, sintió el deseo de dedicar su vida completa a Jesús. Vio entonces la gran luz que atravesaba sus manos y piernas, dejando hemorragias de las heridas. Oyó la voz de: "¡Salve, por el don que te he dado." Desde entonces, aparecen en su cuerpo los estigmas (en la frente, las manos y los pies, en el costado). Catalina ha experimentado los sufrimientos de la agonía, combinando el sufrimiento de Jesús en la cruz. Ha sido testigo de este fenómeno que ocurrió el primer viernes de febrero de 1996. el médico, el Dr. Ricardo Castañón, cuyo testimonio contribuyó al reconocimiento de las verdaderas experiencias de Catalina. Debido a su modesta educación, cuando comenzó a escribir la Pasión de Jesús, la Eucaristía y el Cielo, despertó gran asombro. Catalina admitió que había oído la voz de Cristo y había escrito sólo lo que había oído de él. El 9 de marzo de 1995. Catalina compró un Jesús de yeso, con la que los ojos comenzaron a fluir las lágrimas. Este fenómeno ha interesado a los científicos, que a petición de los periodistas tomaron las muestras y los examinaron en estados unidos y en Australia, indicando en ellos la presencia humana en la sangre. Los estudios realizados a través de las autoridades de la iglesia han confirmado la autenticidad de este evento, y su extraordinaria figura se encuentra en la actualidad en la iglesia de Cochabamba. Catalina Rivas escribe palabras que dice están dirigidas al mundo entero. Jesús estaba a punto de decirle: Para siempre, el amor busca almas que pueden decir cosas nuevas acerca de viejas y bien conocidas verdades ... Aquellos que disfrutan y se deleitan en ellas también ayudan a otros a beneficiarse de ellas. Quien no los entiende, sigue siendo esclavo del espíritu maligno . Las palabras escritas por ella no contienen nuevas verdades, sino que se asemejan al llamado evangélico a la conversión, a la aceptación de Dios y su amor, ya animar la vida de acuerdo con el Decálogo, el Evangelio y la doctrina de la Iglesia Católica. Las autoridades de la Iglesia, habiendo examinado el testimonio de Catalina, han reconocido que son reales y relevantes en la evangelización del mundo de hoy. Establecieron en Bolivia una organización llamada Apostolado de la Nueva Evangelización, que trata de la distribución del mensaje de Dios a Catalina. En el último número de sus libros, que incluye también el Misterio de la Misa , el Arzobispo Appa escribió: Hemos leído el libro de Catalina y estamos convencidos de que su único propósito es guiarnos en todo el camino que comenzó en el Evangelio. Estos libros destacan también el lugar único de la Virgen María que es el modelo de imitación y seguimiento de Jesucristo Madre, a quien debemos confiar con total confianza y amor; Muestran cómo un creyente verdaderamente cristiano debe comportarse. Por todas estas razones, estoy de acuerdo en imprimirlas y distribuirlas, y las recomiendo como un material para la meditación y el liderazgo espiritual, respondiendo al llamado del Señor, que desea salvar muchas almas, mostrándolas como un Dios vivo lleno de misericordia y amor . LIBROS 2009 La Santa Misa. Testimonio sobre la Eucaristía 2010 Adorando. Cuántas gracias y favores celestiales recibes 2011 La Santa Misa. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2012 La Santa Misa. Testimonio de Catalina 2013 El secreto de la Confesión y la Misa. 2013 El secreto de la adoración en el místicas visiones de Catalina rivas, 2013 En la adoración. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2013 Divina Providencia. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2013 La Pasión. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2014 Mi Cristo roto camina sobre las aguas 2014 La cara visible del Dios invisible. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2015 Del Sinaí al calvario. Reflexionando sobre las últimas palabras de Jesús en la cruz, 2015 Del Sinaí al Calvario. Testimonio de Catalina Rivas 2016 La puerta del cielo. Mensajes dictados a Catalina 2016 El Arca de la Nueva Alianza 2017 He dado mi vida por ti 2017 Dio su Vida por ustedes, Editorial Vox Domini 2017 La Providencia De Dios. Una visión clara de la muerte. 2017 El Gólgota. Reflexiones del señor Jesús sobre el misterio de Su sufrimiento y sobre el valor,
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Ovidio - Metamorfosi
Quae tamen ut vidit, quamvis irata memorque,
indoluit, quotiensque puer miserabilis “Eheu”
dixerat, haec resonis iterabat vocibus “Eheu”;
cumque suos manibus percusserat ille lacertos,
haec quoque reddebat sonitum plangoris eundem.
Ultima vox solitam fuit haec spectantis in undam:
“Heu frustra dilecte puer!” totidemque remisit
verba locus; dictoque vale “Vale” inquit et Echo.
Ille caput viridi fessum submisit in herba,
lumina mors clausit domini mirantia formam:
tum quoque se, postquam est inferna sede receptus,
in Stygia spectabat aqua.
Costei, quando lo vide così, per quanto ancora memore dell'affronto e corrucciata, ne provò dolore, e tutte le volte che il giovinetto diceva lamentosamente "Ohimè!" ripeteva il gemito con la sua voce risonante. E quando egli con le mani si percuoteva le braccia, lei riproduceva, identico, il suono dei colpi. Le ultime parole di Narciso, sempre fisso a guardare l'acqua, furono "Ohimè! Fanciullo invano amato!" e il luogo circostante le ripercosse.
Al suo "Addio!" risponde l'addio di Eco. Egli reclinò il capo spossato sull'erba verde e la morte sigillò quegli occhi che ancora contemplavano la bellezza di chi li possedeva. E anche quando fu accolto giù, nella sede infera, non smise di rimirarsi nell'acqua dello Stige.
Ovidio, Metamorfosi, 3, vv.494-505
#ovidio#metamorfosi#letteratura latina#latino#letteratura#poesia#poema#narciso#eco#amore#specchio#acqua#petto#vita#morte#ohimè
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DUFAY Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini: Agnus Dei by Vox Luminis & Catalina Vicens from fce-lu.com on Vimeo.
teaser pour le documentaire L'AGNEAU MYSTIQUE - l'autel de Gand des frères Van Eyck - par Jérôme Laffont
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Why you might not see any athletes protest at this summer’s Olympics
#OlympicGames #SummerOlympicGames [Vox]protest with the Black Power salute as they stand on the winners’ podium at the Summer Olympic Games in Mexico City, October 19, 1968. John Dominis/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images ...
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